01638 742 167

07712 446 264

Jill Yarrow

Integrative Mind Specialist

Corporate Mindfulness

How big is your company?  What do you look for?  How do you grow?


Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is based on the study of successful human performance by identifying effective models and patterns of behaviour.  I am sure you have the foresight to look at your competition, check out why they are successful and how you could model their success.


Cutting edge companies like Google, Yahoo, Apple, Procter & Gamble, Virgin, London Transport, even the Home Office do it.

Do what you may ask?  They all practice Mindfulness.


Mindfulness benefits the employer and the employee.  Following the current research in Neuroscience, the neurological benefits of Mindfulness have been linked to an increase in emotional intelligence, specifically self-regulation and empathy.  You don’t need to be spiritual or religious to practise mindfulness, it can help people with or without religious beliefs.


Mindfulness is gaining more popularity as a self-help tool and gives people more responsibility and control over their own well-being.  30% of GP’s now refer patients struggling with their thoughts to Mindfulness based treatment.  The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for people with recurring depression.


Sir Richard Branson, the Virgin Founder wrote in a recent blog "Mindfulness is one way that many entrepreneurs choose to combat the toll wrought by round-the-clock emails, long working hours and other aspects of our accelerated business culture,"  "The business leader Arianna Huffington says that mindfulness gives her a competitive edge; Steve Jobs did too."


If you would like to base your company on successful models and create healthier and happier employees and a more productive workplace, then maybe it is time to introduce Mindfulness into your business.


At Evoke Resilience I can offer Mindfulness courses or workshops for groups or individuals.


For more information on training or workshops call

Jill on 01638 742167 / 07712 446264 or email: jill@evokeresilience.co.uk


“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters to what lies within us”

Henry David Thoreau