01638 742 167

07712 446 264

Jill Yarrow

Integrative Mind Specialist

Corporate Resilience

Responsibility for health and wellbeing at work belongs to both employers and employees.


Did you know that, according to ACAS, mental health problems cost employers in the UK £30 billion a year through lost production, recruitment and absence and according to the Office of National Statistics, the total number of working days lost due to stress, anxiety and depression during 2014-15, was 9.9 million days.  This equated to an average of 23 days lost per case.


Trying to juggle home and work life, arranging childcare, commuting, personal, family or professional relationships, financial worries, health problems or work issues, all affect our interaction, cooperation and participation with others and impacts on how well we manage our job.


Despite the fact that it is very common - one in four of us will suffer mental health problems during our lives -

we can find it very difficult to talk about.  Sometimes it can be hard to tell our friends, never mind being able to

talk about it to our managers.  Often employees are reluctant to disclose their mental health issues for fear of

discrimination, work absence and financial concerns.


However, not listening could prove very costly to the individual and to your business. The Centre for Mental Health charity estimate that employers should be able to cut the cost of mental health, in lost production and replacing staff by about a third by improving their management of mental health at work.


Resilience is a skill that can be learned.


Our life is in a constant flux of change and evolvement.  Resilience is being able to bounce back from challenges, stress or trauma by being flexible and adaptable.  It is an on-going learning process through self-awareness of our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and actions.  Being resilient is moving forward by becoming emotionally strong through adopting a more positive attitude to our feelings and emotions, staying flexible, recognising our triggers, maintaining a sense of perspective and becoming solution focused through innovative thinking.


At Evoke Resilience, I can provide workshops or training to help people understand our thought processes, understand why we think the way we do and how to change those negative patterns of thoughts into more healthier and productive options.  Using my wide range of psychotherapy skills, I can help facilitate that change by providing courses and workshops to groups or alternatively by providing 1:1 sessions to achieve a quicker return to work for an individual employee, who would otherwise face long term sickness and delivering a successful outcome for both employer and employee.


Programs include:

 1:1 Rapid Change / Breakthrough Sessions

 Resilience Training / Workshops

 Mindfulness Training / Workshops

 1:1 Mentoring


For more information on training or workshops call

Jill on 01638 742167 / 07712 446264 or email: jill@evokeresilience.co.uk


“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”

Nelson Mandela