01638 742 167
Massage has always played an important part in Indian life and dates back to Ayurvedic texts nearly 4000 years ago. Indian head massage has been used by Indian women for more than 1000 years as part of their grooming routine and many barbers practise the use of those same skills.
The head, neck and shoulders are important energy centres within our body and it is not surprising in this fast paced life of ours that tension tends to accumulate in these areas, often giving us stiff necks and shoulders, eye strain and migraines.
Indian head massage works on the head, face, neck, ears, shoulders and back areas and it offers firm, yet gently manipulations to help free knots and blockages and relieve the build-up of tension and stress.
The style of Indian head massage that I offer also incorporates a small amount of acupressure and the beneficial effects of Reiki. It has a wonderfully relaxing and calming effect on the emotions and promotes a feeling of well-being and inner peace.
The Benefits of Indian head massage
• Relieves tension headaches, neck and back pain
• Alleviates stress, promotes relaxation and well-being
• Stimulates lymphatic drainage, helping to remove toxins and boost the immune system
• Improves circulation which lifts energy levels, thus improving concentration
• Reaches all energy centres where tension tends to accumulate
For more information or to book a treatment call
Jill on 01638 742167 / 07712 446264 or email: jill@evokeresilience.co.uk
“Often the hands solve a mystery where the intellect has struggled with in vain”
Carl Jung