01638 742 167

07712 446 264

Jill Yarrow

Integrative Mind Specialist

Rapid Change / Personal Breakthrough

A  Rapid Change or Personal Breakthrough Session (PBS) is a rapid change program to achieve significant personal change and growth by removing any issues, problems or self-limiting beliefs that no longer serve you well.   It can be the catalyst that propels you into a new direction, a new way of thinking in a positive and life enhancing way, enabling you to achieve your desire or success whether that be personally or professionally.


Why do I need it?


Do you ever find yourself stuck in a certain situation or repeating the same practices and feeling as if life is taking you nowhere? Do you procrastinate over important decisions and lack motivation? Do you have relationship issues and the emotional baggage is wearing you down?   Do you feel overwhelmed or that life seems out of synch?  Perhaps your career is particularly stressful and you don’t know how to switch off.


How can I make this change?


By using some of the world’s most powerful human change technologies and techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP);  Time Line Therapy;  Thought Field Therapy (TFT);  Hypnosis;   Mindfulness/ Meditation;  Motivational Mapping and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT),  I can offer a bespoke program that will remove the barriers that are holding you back and help you discover the life you want or need.


 It will be a journey of self-discovery to help you reach your true potential by removing any negative emotions, conflicting values or negative past experiences.  I will help you understand how our brains work, why we think the way we do and give you useful self-help techniques to benefit you professionally, personally and socially.


How will it benefit me and what can it help with?


By removing our self-limiting beliefs, Rapid-Change/Personal Breakthrough Sessions can help with:

 Managing stress

 Improving decision making

 Resolving inner conflict

 Improving relationships

 Developing a positive and happier  attitude

 Fears and phobias

 Feelings of anger

 Enhancing memory and concentration

 Increasing self-motivation

 Improving efficiency at work

 Fear of failure or success

 Overcoming procrastination

 Feeling overwhelmed

 Low self-esteem

How many sessions would I need?


That would be dependent on the level of issues involved but generally, as Rapid Change is highly focused, most issues can be resolved in a single session.  A single session may take between 3–6 hours including breaks but this would be determined after the initial consultation. However, one or two follow-up sessions may be appropriate or necessary.


For more information on how to make that change call

Jill on 01638 742167 / 07712 446264 or email: jill@evokeresilience.co.uk


“You cannot evolve unless you are willing to change.

You will never better yourself if you always cling to what was”

Leon Brown