01638 742 167

07712 446 264

Jill Yarrow

Integrative Mind Specialist

Thermal Auricular Therapy

Thermal auricular therapy is an ear candle treatment that dates back to ancient civilisations.

It is a new application of an ancient therapy.  Historical evidence can be found among the peoples of the Siberian prairies,

Asia and the native North and South American Indians but it has become more widely known through the Hopi Indians

of North Arizona.


The Hopi possess great medicinal and spiritual knowledge and the candles were traditionally used by Shaman healers and by the Hopi Indians in healing rituals and ceremonies.  They were used to cleanse and harmonize energies as well as a physical clearance therapy to relieve problems relating to the ears, sinuses, nose and throat.  It also stimulates the lymph glands and therefore the immune system.


The candles are hollow tubes impregnated with beeswax, honey extracts and medicinal herbs such as sage and chamomile.  They have a filter at the bottom which prevents any wax or residue from entering the ear and they work on a chimney principle, drawing impurities to the surface.  They balance pressure in the ears and head and the treatment is both soothing and relaxing.


Hopi ear candles should be considered for the following:


 Irritations in the ears (otitis)

 Catarrh and sinusitis

 Glue ear (but not if grommets are in place)

 Colds, flu and sore throats

 Rhinitis / hay fever

 Noises in the ear (tinnitus)

 Excessive excitement and stress

 Relief of pressure before flying and diving


For more information or to book a treatment call

Jill on 01638 742167 / 07712 446264 or email: jill@evokeresilience.co.uk


“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear”

Ram Dass