01638 742 167
TFT was discovered, researched and developed by Dr Roger Callahan PhD. It is a powerful and precise form of Energy
Meridian Therapy and is a non-invasive system used to eliminate the cause of negative emotion. Using a precise sequence
of tapping, rapid eye movements, body co-ordination and vocal responses, TFT helps reverse the negative wiring.
The results can be life-changing.
TFT is a method of separating the negative thought from the physical and emotional distress that
it manifests. Dr. Callahan proved, through incredible success, that most emotional disturbances have the same root cause – the presence of perturbations within the Thought Field, a manifestation of the body’s bio-energy system.
Perturbations are the ‘triggers’ that connect the thought to the emotion. The triggers carry the information that gives rise to the experience of the negative emotion. When perturbations are present, they initiate the physiological, bio-chemical and cognitive events that result in the distressing and disturbing emotional experience.
One very good aspect of TFT, unlike conventional psychotherapy, is that it does not require the individual to talk about or confront their problem, a situation which often causes considerable distress or embarrassment and which discourages many from seeking the treatment they desperately need.
TFT helps reverse negative wiring
How it works:
TFT or ‘tapping’ as it is more commonly known, is used for the rapid and effective treatment of:
• PTSD Post –Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Phobias
• Panic Attacks
• Shame / Embarrassment
• Self-Limiting Beliefs
• Bereavement
• Emotional and Acute Trauma
• Fear
• Anxiety
• Anger
• Guilt
• Chronic Pain
• Obsessive Behaviour
• Addictions
For more information on how Thought Field Therapy can help you, call
Jill on 01638 742167 / 07712 446264 or email: jill@evokeresilience.co.uk
“Sometimes you don’t realise the weight of something you’ve been carrying,
until you feel the weight of its release”